Black hair accentuates features, is mysterious, and is also the most common hair color among men.
And while you can nicely contrast the dark hair color with your lighter skin tone to accentuate certain features, it can be more difficult to style your hair the way you want it.
Black hair tends to hide underlying layers and shades.
This is less the case if you have had your hair trimmed recently, but after a while, you will find that it is more difficult to bring out features in your hairstyle.
Lookbook for black/dark hair

The pros and cons of black hair
Obviously, it’s not all bad news if you have black hair. As we mentioned, the color black automatically contrasts with your lighter skin tone, allowing you to emphasize certain features of your face.
Firmness. The strength of black hair differs due to the various shades that there are within this color. The thicker your hair, the less hair product you generally need to use.
Spread products such as wax, gel, or pomade well over your hair when styling. Your hair is already firm by nature.
Balding factors. There is no evidence that black-haired men are more likely to go bald than other hair colors.
Our advice is not to wash too much (1-2 times a week max!) And to use a good conditioner.